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Varavara Rao is an anti-national and possibly a terrorist

--- Consider reading the article Varavara Rao is an anti-national and possibly a terrorist on OpIndia website ---

Don’t let liberal media tell you otherwise. This past week you might have seen a clutch of news articles, tweets, reports, etc, crying over some “revolutionary poet” named Varavara Rao.

This guy.

Varavara Rao gets coronavirus

All variations of the same and now very stale theme song. He is old, he is a poet, he is headmaster’s son, he is pregnant, whatever. And Big Bad Modi has put him in jail.

Let me show you who Varavara Rao really is. Here he is, in an old interview to Tehelka.

Varavara Rao says ‘azadi’ only way for Kashmir.

There are five points he makes in that interview.

(1) He says that India is an invader which has occupied Hyderabad state of the erstwhile Nizam.

(2) He says that India is an occupier in Kashmir

(3) He says that the states in the North East are separate nationalities and he wants them to break away from India.

(4) He supports the Naxals in India.

(5) He believes that Kashmir, Hyderabad, North East and Naxals have a “common enemy” in the government that sits in Delhi.

Yeah, that’s gentle Varavara Rao, the apostle of peace, harmony and virtue that we are all supposed to feel sorry for.

Okay, let us assume for a moment that all those liberals beating chests on Varavara Rao right now just happen to be the staunchest supporters of free speech. That they take some kind of high principled stand that democratic India cannot put someone in jail for speech, no matter how outrageous.

Okay, but if they do take this principled stand, why do their articles and tweets and open letters try to hide who Varavara Rao really is? Why do you hide his doings behind calling him “poet” and “activist”? Lay out before the Indian public the reality of what he has said and the causes he supports. And then make a bold moral argument that this anti-national element should be let out of jail on a matter of high principle.

But his cheerleaders don’t do that. They are trying to make an emotional appeal by projecting him as some kind of dear old poet. Why? Tell us who he really is and ask for support. That way people will know the reality of Varavara Rao and the reality of those who support him.

And here is something else his cheerleaders don’t talk about.

Varavara Rao taken into custody over 2005 Naxalite attack on CRPF

Yes, Varavara Rao is not just an anti-national, it is also possible that he is a left wing terrorist. In fact, he is a suspect in a 2005 left wing terror attack on CRPF jawans in Tumkur in Karnataka.

Do you know that 8 CRPF jawans lost their lives in that terror attack? Yeah, Mr. Varavara Rao may well be a prior version of Adil Ahmad Dar, the terrorist who carried out the Pulwama attack.

And the great intellectuals of our country want this anti-national and suspected terrorist to be out of jail.

Again, why are his intellectual cheerleaders being so dodgy in their emotional appeals to the public? Tell us that he is a man who supports breaking India into pieces, that he is a suspect in a terror attack that killed 8 jawans and then ask for him to be freed.

It is tiresome that we even need to keep repeating this. Terrorists have human bodies just like we do. They have a father and a mother, they get old, they can get pregnant, they can catch Coronavirus, anything. None of this is an excuse to forgive them for their anti-national and/or terrorist activities. And there is no excuse for Indian elite to hide the past of Varavara Rao as they make an emotional case for his release before the Indian public.

from OpIndia

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