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Media reports of villages in Arunachal Pradesh near China border being vacated are false, says Defence Ministry

Ministry of Defence refutes reports claiming villages in Arunachal Pradesh are being vacated

--- Consider reading the article Media reports of villages in Arunachal Pradesh near China border being vacated are false, says Defence Ministry on OpIndia website ---

On Thursday, the Ministry of Defence rejected the media reports that falsely claimed that people living near the Tibet border in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh have been fleeing from their villages amidst the mounting tensions between India and China along the LAC.

Earlier, a news portal East Mojo had reported that amidst high tension at the LAC in Ladakh, the villagers near the McMahon Line in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh have been vacating their homes.

Image Source: East Mojo

Similarly, HW News Network, which has a history of peddling fake news, also shared the similar news claiming that villagers along the India-China border in Arunachal Pradesh are being vacated from their village amidst mounting tensions between two countries.

Image Source: HW News

Responding to such misleading news reports, the Public Relations Officer, Tezpur from the Ministry of Defence called such reports “malicious” and suggested that people of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam should not to pay attention to the rumours.

“The news of vacation of villages near LAC are fake and malicious. The public of Arunachal Pradesh & Assam are advised not to pay heed to such rumours and get all news confirmed by authorities before retweeting it,” PRO, Defence, Tezpur tweeted.

The clarification from the Ministry of Defence comes amidst the ongoing border stand-off between India and China along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) at Ladakh.

India occupies strategic heights along LAC near Pangong Tso

The Indian Army had recently outfoxed China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) by taking preemptive action and securing strategic height near Pangong lake’s southern and northern bank. Last week, the Indian Army had announced that they had occupied strategic heights on in the Panging Tso regions to prevent Chinese incursions into Indian territory.

Indian troops had taken control of the dominating heights, connecting through a ridgeline along the LAC from the southern bank of Pangong Tso to Spanggur Tso till Chushul-Rezang La. Their positions extend up to Requin La, which overlooks the crucial PLA camp in Moldo, as per reports.

These locations, which are strategically important for India, overlook the Spanggur Gap, China’s Moldo Garrison, and also of Spanggur lake. From these tops, the Indian troops can keep a vigil on PLA troops that are deployed in the Chushul sector.

Following India’s action, China has rattled and has been issuing a series of threats against India through its communist-controlled media.

from Fact-Check – OpIndia

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