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Rana Ayyub lies again, this time while writing an ode to the old lady protestor at Shaheen Bagh for Time’s 100 most influential people list

Rana Ayyub lies in Time magazine article, again

--- Consider reading the article Rana Ayyub lies again, this time while writing an ode to the old lady protestor at Shaheen Bagh for Time’s 100 most influential people list on OpIndia website ---

Islamist ‘journalist’ and habitual fake news peddler Rana Ayyub had again told the same lies on CAA, in an article about a Shaheen Bagh protestor in Time magazine.

In her recent article on Time Magazine, which she has written hailing an 82-year-old anti-CAA protestor at Shaheen Bagh named Bilkis. Bilkis, one of the ‘dadis’ of anti-CAA protest site Shaheen Bagh, has been named by the Time Magazine in its list of ‘100 Most Influential People of 2020’.

Writing an ode to Bilkis, Rana Ayyub, in her article, has claimed that the 82-year-old ‘protestor’ was the ‘voice of the marginalized’ in India, who would sit at a protest site from morning to midnight.

Continuing her usual antics, Rana Ayyub blatantly lies that Bilkis was sitting as a mark of protests at Shaheen Bagh ever since Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government passed the Citizenship Amendment Act, which “could block Muslims from citizenship in the country”.

Rana Ayyub’s article praising Bilkis that peddles blatant lies

The Islamic troll Rana Ayyub further continues saying that Bilkis, along with thousands of women who joined her in Shaheen Bagh, which according to her became the ‘symbol of resistance in a nation’ where the ‘voices of women and minorities were being systematically drowned’ out by the majoritarian politics of the Modi regime.

“Bilkis gave hope and strength to activists and student leaders who were being thrown behind bars for standing up for the unpopular truth in a democracy that was sliding into authoritarianism, and inspired peaceful copycat protests across the country,” Rana Ayyub wrote in TIME magazine profiling Bilkis.

Ironically, Rana’s ode to Shaheen Bagh daadi has come days after the Delhi Police has submitted in court that the women at Shaheen Bagh were being paid to sit in protest, like daily wage workers.

Rana keeps lying blatantly about CAA

It is pertinent to note that the Citizenship Amendment Act passed by the Indian parliament has nothing to do with Indian citizens, Muslim or otherwise, as it seeks to grant citizenship to persecuted religious minorities in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.

The CAA is a special one-time measure for the religious minorities who have already come to India after facing persecution in the three specified countries. The amendment does not cancel the existing naturalisation laws. The historic legislation does not have any provisions to repel citizenship or carry out deportation of any Indian Muslims.

The CAA doesn’t even bar Muslims from anywhere in the world from applying citizenship in India through the usual way, following existing rules.

However, Rana Ayyub resorts to openly peddle fake news on the Citizenship Amendment Act saying that the legislation “could block Muslims from citizenship in the country”. Shockingly, the publications like ‘TIME’ which publishes such lies in its list of influential people across the world, failed to check the misinformation peddled by the likes of Rana Ayyub and instead provides a platform to push fake news on Indian laws.

Shaheen Bagh Anti-CAA protests

The anti-CAA protests, especially at Shaheen Bagh, which began as a peaceful protest crossed all the boundaries as it turned out to be another typical left-wing managed anti-India event. Eventually, the Shaheen Bagh protest site had provided fodder and a shield for violent rioters who had, in February, targeted Hindus and gone on a rampage burning the capital, timing the bloodbath with US President Trump’s visit to Delhi.

Following the failure of violent protests perpetrated by the Muslim mobs on the streets of Delhi and Jamia Millia Islamia University, few women belonging to Muslim community sat on a protest at Shaheen Bagh, blocked a bus stop and a highway causing severe problems to the public of Delhi.

Shaheen Bagh protests, which were initially passed off as an organic protest in a bid to ‘save the constitution’ began to turn into a blatantly communal event. It was earlier reported that the Muslim mobs had shouted pro-Pakistan and Hinduphobic slogans like “Jinnah Wali Azadi”, demanding another partition of the country.

from Fact-Check – OpIndia

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