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Before you take lie-ridden MIT Technology Review article on India’s COVID-19 situation seriously, remember who funds that section

--- Consider reading the article Before you take lie-ridden MIT Technology Review article on India’s COVID-19 situation seriously, remember who funds that section on OpIndia website ---

On July 5, the MIT Technology Review published an article on the Covid-19 situation in India, titled What went so wrong with covid in India? Everything. The article written by Sonia Falerio claimed that there was a range of “basic mistakes and callous technocratic failures” behind the “catastrophic covid surge” in India. The article is a part of The Pandemic Technology Project on the publication,

The article claims that the USA is seeing the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, while it is still surging in India. Data shows that the USA still has 48.56 lakh active cases of Coronavirus infection, while the current active caseload in India is 4.58 lakh. Active cases in the USA is 10 times the number of India, and still, the MIT Technology Review claims the situation is improving in the US and it is worsening in India.

The entire article is filled with such wrong and misleading information, only to claim that the Modi government failed to handle the pandemic. The article mentions the oxygen crisis that some states had faced in May, but does not mention how the crisis was managed within few weeks, and how actually some of the crisis in Delhi was fake.

The article labels the Kumbh at Uttarakhand the “world’s largest superspreader”, despite the fact that there is no data to support that outrageous claim. The worst affected states in India are Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, and Uttarakhand has seen only 3.4 lakh confirmed cases, and has only 1500 active cases now. It was the anti-Hindu campaign by liberal media to claim that the Kumbh was a superspreader event, and now that same false claim has been repeated by the MIT Technology Review report.

The report says that the CoWIN platform for Covid-19 vaccinations has been a disaster, one wonders why almost 150 countries in the world want to use it, if it is such a disaster. In fact, the CoWIN has been one of the most successful uses of technology in the healthcare system. The report says it is mandatory to book a slot before getting the vaccine, which is another lie, as walk-ins into the vaccination centres is allowed, where the staff enters the details of the person in the Co-WIN system.

The report also says Co-WIN is an error-prone system, but does not elaborate how. It seems the author has some personal grudge against the system, as all the allegations against the platform are false and baseless. Moreover, an online booking system like Co-WIN is absolutely necessary when the vaccines are in short supply, as without that, people will crowd at the vaccination centres, which can turn into a disaster in such a pandemic situation. When the number of available doses is limited, it is better to make it available through online booking so that only those who are confirmed for the vaccine visits the vaccination centre.

The report also publishes a complete falsehood that there was no free vaccine for people in the 18-44 age group, and people in that group were forced to pay for the vaccine. The report claimed that “India was the only major country to pass on this cost to the public”. It is a complete lie, because the responsibility of the vaccination for the 18-44 age group was passed onto the states, after the non-NDA ruled states had demanded the same. It was not passed onto the people, and all the states had vaccinated people for free.

The vaccine is also made available in private hospitals where people can pay to get the jab, but it is a matter of choice. After the states failed to run the program successfully, now the central govt is providing vaccines for free to all, while the same still remains available at private hospitals at a cost.

Unsurprisingly, the source for most of the anti-Modi government comments in the article is Ramanan Laxminarayan, who has been a spectacular failure in predicting the Covid-19 pandemic in India. The economist who pretends to be an infectious disease expert had claimed in March 2020 that India will see 30 crore COVID-19 infections and 25 lakh deaths by July 2020. The actual numbers were 17 lakh cases and 35 thousand deaths. Even now, more than a year and two waves, the number of total cases in India is 3 crore and death 4 lakh, far less than what he had predicted for a year ago.

Rockefeller Foundation sponsored the article

It is interesting to note that the MIT Technology Review article is sponsored by Rockefeller Foundation, an ally of the CIA in its ‘cultural war’ in various countries. Rockefeller Foundation, like other US-based organisations like Ford Foundation, use the huge amounts of funds at their disposal to create and change narratives around the world, to benefit the USA. When the USA sets its sight on a government to topple it in order to ‘establish democracy’, these foundations are the first to prepare the groundwork for the same, by filling media with articles and opeds on how that country ‘needs democracy’.

NGOs and educational institutions funded by Rockefeller and Ford Foundations were the hidden arm of the US government to topple democratically-elected governments in Latin America, Iran and Indonesia. In fact, Rockefeller Foundation has been considered an arm of the US govt due to its cooperation in the foreign policy of the govt. Foundation utilises its considerable financial resources to shift the opinions of the policymakers and academics towards something which is more aligned with the interests of the American government.

Given the nature of the Rockefeller Foundation, it is not surprising that it is sponsoring articles criticising the Modi government in international journals and publications. The global left-liberal wants the Modi govt in India to go, and there is a concerted effort, in collaboration with Indian left-liberals, to plant motivated and fake narrative against the government. Now that Rockefeller Foundation has also joined that effort, it can be concluded that big powers with big money are working in the background against the Modi government.

from Fact-Check – OpIndia

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